Mistresses Wiki
This article is about the Mistresses character Dominic Taylor you may be looking for his British counterpart Dominic Montgomery.
Dominic Taylor
Screen Shot 2013-08-05 at 2.06.17 PM
Biographical Information
  • Dom
  • Alive
Relationships Information
Professional Information
  • Attorney
  • Grey - Mostow - Felker & Mitchell (Law Firm)
Character Information
First Appearance
Last Appearance
Portrayed By

Dominic Taylor is a main character in Mistresses. He works in the same law office as Savannah, and acts as her main love interest.






  • Dominic and Savannah

Dominic and Savannah were colleagues and friends before Pilot. They then shared a few nights on the office and ended up hooking up. When Savannah find out she was pregnant, she questioned if the baby was his. When Dominic knew, he mentioned it at an office party where Harry was also. This caused tension between Savannah and Dominic after the punch between the two guys, but Savannah ultimately found a friend in Dominic while she was going through pregnancy. Eventually Savannah looses the baby, but she is still close to Dominic. The two are shown to be in a relationships 8 months after Savannah's accident.

  • Dominic and Toni

In season 2, while in a fight with Savi, Dominic sleeps with Toni. Toni had invited Dom out to a bar under the guise that she was leaving the firm. They both had several drinks and end up hooking up. Shortly after this event Dom makes up with Savi, but doesn't tell her about the affair. Toni than reports the incident to HR at the firm resulting in the incident going on Dom's recorded. This shows a pattern of him having relationships with his subordinates (Savi is also his subordinate). When Dom has a meeting with HR, news of his affair spreads and Savi finds out.

Later on Toni's motives are revealed that she was doing all of this so she could later sue him/the lawfirm. As she is used to a certain type of lifestyle and doesn't want to give that up.


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A more complete gallery with pictures of Dominic Taylor can be found here.

See Also[]

